课题组硕士生曾程在国际期刊《Nano-Micro Letters》上发表文章,并入选期刊封面文章

2020-03-21 11:19:53 644

     近日,课题组成员曾程撰写的综述文章Spintronics in Two-dimensional Materials在高水平SCI期刊《Nano-Micro Letters》(IF:9.05,中科院一区)上发表,并入选期刊封面。




 《Nano-Micro Letters》(NML, Nano-Micro Lett.纳微快报)是SpringerOpen Access开放获取出版的国际期刊,主要发表物理、化学、材料、生物和工程领域纳米级和微米级的科学、技术的最新进展,为研究纳米微米尺度的科研工作者提供一个专业学术交流平台,致力于快速发表与纳米微米相关的科研进展和评论文章。该期刊2018年影响因子为9.05,属于中科院一区。



  • Spintronics is a rapidly growing field that is attracting much attention due to its potential applications in the development of high-performance devices. Two-dimensional (2D) materials have recently emerged as promising materials for spintronics due to their unique electronic, magnetic, and mechanical properties.

  • 2D materials such as graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), and black phosphorus exhibit high spin polarization, high carrier mobility, and strong spin-orbit interaction, making them ideal for spintronics applications. In addition, 2D materials have a thin film structure, which reduces the damping of spin-polarized currents, leading to higher spin coherence times and improved device performance.

  • Some of the current applications of spintronics in 2D materials include spin-valve devices, spin-field-effect transistors, spin-torque oscillators, and magnetic memory devices. These devices have the potential to outperform their traditional electronic counterparts in terms of speed, energy efficiency, and data storage density.

  • In conclusion, the combination of spintronics and 2D materials has great potential to revolutionize the way we store, process, and transmit information, leading to the development of high-performance and sustainable devices for future generations.