2023, Strong interlayer coupling in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide moiré superlattices, Advanced Materials.
2023, Strong interlayer coupling in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide moiré superlattices; Advanced Materials. Abstract:Moiré superlattices in twisted van der Waals materials offer a pow
2023-01-23 259
2022, Layer-dependent excitonic valley polarization properties in MoS2-WS2 heterostructures, Optics Letters.
2022, Effect of layered-coupling in twisted WSe2 moiré superlattices, Optics Letters. Abstract:Layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) pave the way for fundamental research on atomica
2022-11-08 173
2022, Effect of layered-coupling in twisted WSe2 moiré superlattices, Nano Research.
2022, Effect of layered-coupling in twisted WSe2 moiré superlattices, Nano Research. Abstract:Recently, the discovery of a variety of moiré-related properties in the twisted vertical stacking of tw
2022-08-31 221
2022, Evidence for Interlayer Coupling and Moiré excitons in Twisted WS2/WS2 Homostructure Superlattices, Nano Research.
2022, Evidence for Interlayer Coupling and Moiré excitons in Twisted WS2/WS2 Homostructure Superlattices, Nano Research. Abstract:The formation of moiré superlattices in twisted van der Waals(vdW)
2022-08-25 182
2022, Observation of Moiré Excitons in Twisted WS2/WS2 Homostructure Superlattices, Nanoscale.
2022, Observation of Moiré Excitons in Twisted WS2/WS2 Homostructure Superlattices, Nanoscale. Abstract:Moiré superlattices offer a fascinating platform for designing the properties of optical exci
2022-07-28 180
2022, Dynamic control of Moiré potential in twisted WS2-WSe2 heterostructures, Nano Research.
2022, Dynamic control of Moiré potential in twisted WS2-WSe2 heterostructures, Nano Research. Abstract:Moiré superlattices are formed by a lattice mismatch or twist angle in two-dimensional materials, w
2022-05-24 209