课题组博士生吴彪同学在Nano Research上发表论文

2021-06-23 11:14:29 512

课题组博士生吴彪同学在国际纳米权威期刊Nano Research上发表论文

    近日,课题组成员吴彪同学在刘老师的指导下,以第一作者在国际纳米权威期刊《纳米研究》(Nano Research,影响因子10.269)上发表题为Observation of double indirect interlayer excitons in MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructure”(二维材料范德华异质结MoSe2/WSe2层间双激子的观察)的实验论文。



     在二维(2D)过渡金属二硫属化物范德华异质结构(HSs)中层间激子(IX) 的形成提供了一个有趣的新特征。它的寿命比直接激子寿命长几个数量级,使其成为制造长寿命激子器件和探索激子量子器件的重要平台。然而,基于 MoSe2/WSe2 范德华异质结的室温强 IX 和低温层间双激子的研究仍然难以观察到。在本论文中,我们使用光致发光(PL)光谱研究了MoSe2/WSe2异质结构中的双间接IX。它表明 IX的能量分裂为22 meV,这与密度泛函理论的计算结果完全一致。此外,可变激发功率的经验也证明了IX的分裂源于MoSe2的导带自旋分裂。我们的工作解决了观察层间双激子的关键挑战,并可能为探索 TMDs 范德华异质结的新物理特性和光电现象提供了理论解释,具有重要的科学意义。



  • Double indirect interlayer excitons in MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructures have been observed, which highlights the potential for their use in optoelectronic applications. These interlayer excitons are characterized by long lifetimes and large binding energies, which makes them ideal for use in optical devices and as a promising platform for studying quantum optics and many-body physics.

  • The discovery of double indirect interlayer excitons in MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructures also opens up new avenues for the exploration of the fundamental physics behind these materials. It provides an opportunity to investigate the interactions between interlayer excitons and their impact on the material's optical and electrical properties.

  • In addition, this observation may lead to the development of new, efficient energy conversion and harvesting technologies, which could have a significant impact on the sustainability and renewable energy fields.

  • Overall, this observation highlights the potential for MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructures to be used in a variety of applications, including the development of new materials and devices with novel optical and electrical properties.